THE SPACE BodyMind was in need of a new platform that would be user-friendly for the client, while also streamlining the user experience across devices. Bringing an air of simplicity to align this brand, and the work that they do, with a visual experience that matches its aliveness.
To create a website that matches the core tenets of this brand. The work that THE SPACE BodyMind contributes to this world through co-creation with each person that interacts with their programming, rooted in yoking the body with the mind, experiences an increase of aliveness, freedom, and spaciousness from who you thought you were, calling forth who you truly are.
For this project, we had to begin by distilling the content that users would need most as they navigated the site, from there it was a matter of establishing design patterns that would be memorable for the user and manageable for the client to update.
Interested in seeing the live experience?
Web Developer Allen Fayland
Visual Design Reba Joy